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The General Secretariat of the National Guard (SGGN) and Geomines announce the joint signing of an agreement to support the military reserve on Tuesday 18 May 2021.

Under the leadership of Nathalie Felines and Eleonore Forget, Geomines recognises the societal contribution of its “twice-citizen” employees, who have chosen to commit themselves fully to their company as well as to the National Guard.

Convinced of the value that reservists bring to its teams, Geomines rewards this dual commitment to the company and helps them in their mission:

Employees can spend up to 10 days per year of their working time to their mission of general interest, and the company will cover any difference between pay and salary.


A big thank you to the Air Division General, Véronique Batut and Christian Tafani for having contributed to the signature of this convention.